FREE Exam and Consultation for Dental Implants and New Smile Today

Dental Implant Consultation

Dr. Grigoryan provides a thorough examination and friendly, informative consultation. Your appointment will include the following:

  • Comprehensive oral examination
  • Full-mouth X-rays and 3D CT scan
  • Meet with the doctor
  • Get all your questions answered
Call 410-418-8485 or click here to schedule an appointment.

Emergency Dentistry

Same-day appointments are available for emergencies. Call 410-418-8485 or click here right away to get the help you need.

Preventative Dentistry and Routine Care

We offer routine exams and cleanings for patients of all ages. Studies show that prevention is the best way to establish comprehensive dental health and, the earlier routine care is established, the lower the risk for oral disease in the future.

Bruxism Treatment

Do you grind your teeth? We can help! Call us to schedule an appointment.

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry refers to various ways that missing tooth structure is replaced with the use of dental restorative materials—this includes fillings, crowns, repairs of fractured/chipped teeth and more.

Tooth Extraction

We provide minimally invasive extractions when a tooth or teeth cannot be saved. Our Periodontist uses specialized instruments that separate the roots for easy removal and ultrasonic tools that vibrate at a high frequency and can loosen the tooth’s roots without discomfort.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Grigoryan is a top aesthetic dentist and will help you get the beautiful smile you’ve always dreamt of having. Call us to schedule your free consultation.

Teeth Whitening

We offer professional teeth whitening with both in-office treatment and with take-home kits. Call us to schedule an appointment and get your questions answered.

Invisalign® Clear Teeth Straightening

With Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth without using unsightly and uncomfortable metal braces. Invisalign uses a series of clear, comfortable and virtually invisible aligners that can be easily removed for eating, picture taking or brushing and flossing.


We use Botox to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and unwanted facial lines. We also use it help alleviate some types of head and neck pain.

Root Canal Therapy

A root canal removes an infection from the middle of a tooth and can save a tooth that is damaged as a result of advanced decay, a deep fracture or trauma.

Immediate Loading of Implants

In many cases, it is possible to attach a new tooth or teeth to implants the same day as the implants are placed.

Bone Grafting/Sinus Lifts

When needed, our periodontist can add jawbone structure to ensure stable implant placement.

Gum Disease Treatment

Our board-certified periodontist provides expert treatment for gum disease. The health of your entire body is closely tied to the health of your mouth (read more here), and we will help you achieve optimal oral health.

Periodontal Maintenance

Sometimes, brushing and flossing isn’t enough to keep gum disease away. Our gum specialists will develop and provide you with a personalized maintenance program to keep your mouth healthy.

Gum Recession Treatment

Receded gums can prematurely age your smile. Our gum specialist will restore proper gum coverage of your teeth using gum grafting or the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique.

Cosmetic Gum Treatment

Our gum specialist can recontour your gumline to correct a “gummy smile” or uneven gumline. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment.


We provide gentle correction of tongue-tie or lip-tie. Call us to find out more.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

To request an appointment, call 410-418-8485 or fill out the form below and click “Send.” If you need immediate assistance, please call the office. If you leave a message outside of our office hours, we will contact you during our next business day.